“NPR” stands for “National Public Radio,” a not-for-profit radio network that emphasizes high quality, in-depth, long-form news and conversation. Most radio shows are available as podcast episodes, and […]
Speak English like yourself and develop confidence with Hadar
Thanks to guest contributor Emmanuel Orozco Castellanos for this review of the pronunciation YouTube channel “Accent’s Way English with Hadar” This week, we’ll put a spotlight on one […]
WNYC Studios Podcasts
WNYC is a public radio station in New York City. In addition to running a major radio station, WNYC Studios features 60+ podcasts on a wide range of […]
“Marketplace” podcasts
Whether you are interested in economies, personal finance, business, inequality, social and political movements, or how money impacts our daily lives, the Marketplace suite of podcasts has an […]
Podcast: Cache Chat
Cache Chat is a conversational podcast hosted by two undergraduate Computer Science (CS) students at Clemson University. The Cache Chat hosts use informal language to explain CS concepts, […]
“Got a minute?” Scientific American’s podcast offers one every day.
Do you want to work on vocabulary, fluency, pitch range, or interpreting technical content to a lay audience Scientific American is a long-established magazine that publishes articles on […]
Common Errors in English Usage
“Common Errors in English Usage” represents one retired Comparative Literature professor’s effort to document the types of written errors that frequently appear in the writing of native speakers […]